Who is Retriever?

Retriever means the people who often go out of their comfort zone, who wake up every morning with a new idea and who are not afraid to express what they feel or to be seen by others as they really are.

Retriever is the sensitivity to details, to color, to the history of things and to new forms of expression. It is letting emotions flow freely.

Retriever pieces and style are for those who try until they make it. For anyone who always has a story to tell and a goal to achieve.


Retriever presents its 4 characters, who will represent the new collections soon to be launched, they are: Glamourous, Adventurous, Risk-taker and Vintage.
And together they will be in charge of making our clients look authentically original.


She knows how to perfectly combine her principles and feelings to turn them into a look that exudes beauty, elegance and style. She tends to attract attention wherever she goes. She demonstrates in her style each of her passions.



She has a low tolerance for monotony because she knows that style is not found there. She often goes out of her comfort zone and is interested in wearing clothes that accompany her in each of her adventures, so she is always looking for experiences.



She knows that to stand out, she needs to take risks. And that’s why she is admired, because her only goal is to learn from life instead of being afraid of it. Her style speaks for her.



Although her age reflects the opposite, the past and the stories mark her emotionally. She represents the experiences with the passage of time, she is striking because she somehow knows how to make herself stand out like no other and she is admired because although her style looks simple, it is not easy to achieve.
